Archive for March, 2010

Monday, March 29th, 2010

What personality type are you?

This article is about Keirsey personality types. See Keirsey describes four main types. Guardians speak mostly of their duties and responsibilities, of what they cankeep an eye on and take good care of, and they’re careful to obey thelaws, follow the rules, and respect the rights of others. (SJ 40-45%) Idealists speak mostly of […]

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Monday, March 22nd, 2010

The puzzle of the two switches (harder)

See “the puzzle of the two switches” for a seriously hard logic puzzle. This is a variation of the same puzzle to make it even harder. The puzzle is exactly the same, except that you can no longer assume anything about the initial state of the two switches. Each switch could be off or on. […]

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Monday, March 15th, 2010

The puzzle of the two switches

You are one of ten clever people about to be locked in a strange prison controlled by a computer. You will each be sent to individual isolated cells with no possibility of communication. Randomly, one cell door will open and the prisoner will be allowed access to a central room that contains two on-off switches, […]

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Monday, March 8th, 2010

A Framework for Ethics

Just ran across this link Kohlberg describes the following.

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Thursday, March 4th, 2010

How expensive is desalination actually?

Couple of people have asked me about this, and I did a little research. The quoted energy usage for early model reverse osmosis desalination plants is around 6 Watt-hours/litre. More modern plants appear to be more efficient and the quoted figures for WA and Vic are 4.1 and 4.6 respectively. A kilolitre of water costs […]

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